“Everyday in a hundred small ways our children ask: Do you see me? Do you hear me? Do I matter? Their behavior often reflects our response.” -L.R. Knost

Children speak to us through their actions & behaviors.

They tell us through their bodies and actions what their frustrations are, what they are scared of, or what they need help with. Sometimes, it can be hard to understand the way your child is communicating with you.

Helping your child navigate a life transition like moving to a new country, divorce, a death, a new sibling, or even developmental milestones such as moving to a big kid bed or using the potty can feel like a huge impossible task. But it doesn’t have to be.


Parent Coaching

Parent coaching is designed to provide you, the parent, with tools and strategies to immediately use.

Sessions are designed to be shorter and to address a specific question, concern, or area of development you want support with.


Parent Advocacy

Are you a parent or caregiver of a medically fragile/complex child? Does your child receive palliative care services?

In my work, I support families to add life to days and meaning to moments. Services include support for siblings and the entire family unit.

If you are a family in New Mexico, please reach out to Hero’s Path Palliative Care where you can receive free support services and advocacy resources.

“When little people are overwhelmed by big emotions it’s our job to share in their calm, not join their chaos.”

— L.R. Knost